Our Approach
The dynamic nature of the business world has led to significant changes in human behavior and needs, resulting in a new demand and supply situation that aims to satisfy these evolving desires.
Before carrying out any research projects for a client, a ResInt researcher prepares and finalizes the proposal, which includes a detailed design and implementation plan. Research design is the overall strategy used to execute a research project. It outlines a logical roadmap to answer research questions by addressing the research problem, questions, objectives, and/or hypotheses, and implementing the processes of data collection, processing, interpretation, analysis, presentation, and discussion of findings.
Questionnaire Design: ResInt researchers, in collaboration with the client, develop questionnaires that are used to conduct interviews with respondents and produce quantitative or qualitative data. There are different forms of questionnaire such as open-ended, closed-ended, dichotomous, and multiple choice. A questionnaire comprises of several questions designed to obtain required information from the respondents. The questions can be structured as (a) Closed-ended (dichotomous) which offers two mutually exclusive and exhaustive alternatives, (b) Closed-ended (multiple responses), and (c) Open-ended which provides no structure for a response so the respondent can answer freely.
Data Collection. This is an important component of research. ResInt researchers say that “data is the heart of research,” thus quality data yields the best results. Data collection is the systematic process of gathering information on selected variables to capture appropriate and credible responses to relevant questions. We are highly skilled in using following methods:
- Computer-aided personal interview (CAPI)
- Online interviews using a website, via an online link for data collection
- Telephone/mobile interviews, using a computerized random dialing system
- Mail surveys
- Personal interviews (also called as face-to-face interviews), using traditional pen and paper
Our researchers, in collaboration with the client, develop data collection instruments such as questionnaires, focus group guides, depth interview/observation checklists, etc.).
Data Processing and Analysis. After the data is collected, the ResInt data analysis team transforms the raw data into meaningful information that fits the study objectives. Different software tools such as SPSS, Tableau, and Minitab are used for data entry and processing. Once the raw data is checked and cleaned, advanced analysis is conducted through statistical packages. The statistician/research analyst provides inputs at various stages of data processing and analysis, including editing of all completed interviews, coding of open-ended questions, creating NETs, weighting, identification details, and consistency checks. Finally, the ResInt analyst creates a final data file (using SPSS, ASCII, etc.) with appropriate banner points demonstrated in the tabulation plan.
Quantitative research is described as the collection of numerical data. Quantitative research acts on (a) converting observations/responses to a numeric value, (b) hypotheses testing (using statistical tests), (c) using charts, bar-graphs, etc. to explain findings, and (d) narrating the numerical relationships among variables.
Qualitative research is gaining popularity among business managers, as compared to large-scale surveys. It involves the collection and analysis of non-numerical data to understand deeply rooted behavioral issues, such as concepts, opinions, attitudes, values, and experiences, to capture deeper insights into the problem or generate innovative ideas for decision-making and research. The ResInt team has expertise carrying out following types of qualitative approaches:
- Individual Depth Interviews (IDI)
- Focus Group Discussion (FGDs)
- Case Studies
- Observation
- Ethnographic Research
- Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
- Projective Techniques
- Word or picture association
- Sentence completion
- Personification
- Cartoons
- Imagination exercises
- Semantic mapping